Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Go Dawgs!

My alma-mater, Butler University, will be kicking some Michigan State hiney this weekend!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Still working at it...

Well, I'm still working at figuring out this Photoshop thing...
Still have a long way to go but this photo is just too perfect to not practice on.
I think it's closer to what I'm going for!
Seriously, could there be more beautiful children?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

From the worst blogger ever...

Well, it would seem I've been on a hiatus of sorts... Starting a new job in January has sure kept me busy! Anyhow, for a long time now I have wanted to learn the "ins and outs" of Photoshop. So, here are so more recent attempts at playing with color...

This one I just tried to lighten the overall color... It's not exactly what I was going for but still a pretty picture! If you have any Photoshop pointers for me, let me know!